Congrats to Rush, who won Junk by Josephine Myles!
Congrats to Suze, who won The Stars that Tremble by Kate McMurray! The Stars that Tremble will be released on September 30 by Dreamspinner Press.
- New releases: Fiction Vixen (romance)
- Book and publishing news from Dear Author.
- Probably the biggest news of the past week was that Goodreads started deleting bookshelves and book reviews that referenced author behavior. (What an interesting way to kick off Banned Books Week, Goodreads!) Some are trying out Booklikes as a possible replacement for Goodreads.
- Should JK Rowling have made it more clear throughout the Harry Potter books that Dumbledore was gay?
Think, Make, Learn, Do
- Vinegar and water might help you keep your cats away from places you don’t want them. (If it can keep Chaos out of the cupboards, I’m all for it! I must try this.)
- Butterbeer mug cake. (via The Mary Sue)
Gluten Free
- Dragon ring. (via The Mary Sue)
- Crayon sculpture. (via
- Waste some time today with Google’s pinata doodle. (Has sound…)
Cool or Wha…?
- Monkey brain cake. (via CRAFT)
- Toast perfume. (via The Mary Sue)
- On privacy. (Hover your cursor over the comic for additional text.)
- On lobster. (Again with the hovering.)
- Seriously. (More hovering!)
Teh Cute
Reading Update
An Eagle River Christmas by Lee Pulaski. ebook. Too much telling/info-dumping kept me distanced from the story.
The Trouble with Hairy (West Hollywood Vampires #2) by Hal Bodner. ebook. There wasn’t anything wrong with the book itself. I just realized, about a quarter into it, that I really can’t read gruesomely detailed horror anymore, as it leaves me feeling physically ill.
“….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz….” -Mayhem