Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 35th (The Return of the Staring Contest Guys)

If you read m/m romance, you should definitely join the M/M Romance Group on GoodReads. It’s a great source for reading recommendations, discussions, eye candy, author news, giveaways, and more. This week, the group is throwing a party (complete with hundreds of prizes) to celebrate its anniversary. If you decide to join and check it out this week, stop by this post and mention that I sent you. 😉

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’re revisiting the Staring Contest Guys, who are, unsurprisingly, still staring. First, let’s start with the original stock photo, titled “Rivalry.” Umm… I’m not thinking rivalry’s the reason they’re staring at each other like that…


Anyway. On to our story!


and shared their deepest, darkest, most

with each, speaking

and their

wish to twine around each other in

as they share

. I wonder if they ever blink?

I don’t see what the big deal is. I can stare better than any naughty boys, Mom!” -Mayhem

36 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 35th (The Return of the Staring Contest Guys)”

  1. I had to ask to join the group on Goodreads so hopefully I’ll be approved by the moderator. I’ve been a Goodreads member for a while but I’m not terribly active there (at least so far).

    I popped over because I thought I’d go m/m shopping and you have recs coming out the wazoo! (I’ve been neglecting my blog because Kris *made* me watch Chrolli and now I want to read about men…)

    As to the staring guys – I think Mayhem’s beat by them – frozen in time as they are – even cats have to blink sometimes!
    A recent post from Kaetrin..Recent Holiday ReadsMy Profile

  2. The staring guys are still staring…LOL!

    May – I’m sure if there is prey in your line of sight you wouldn’t blink!

    And the M/M Romance Group on GoodReads you say?
    A recent post from orannia..Finally!My Profile

  3. Okay, am I the ONLY one who can’t read the freaking title on that last book? Who thought that font/colour was good?

    Okay, after zoming 3000% I see what it is. And I thought that gift was syphilis.
    A recent post from Tam..New York- Philly and HomeMy Profile

  4. Tam: I added a title to that last cover so people don’t have to go to extreme measures to finish the story. Thanks for the heads up!

  5. Chris- To join the m/m reading Group- they want to know if you are bored with the plain vanilla sex in other genres.

    I didn’t know you could get different flavors…..
    A recent post from Lorraine..Its hereMy Profile

  6. Oh no, they are surely destined for the heartbreak of dry eye but, not to worry, I saw an advertisement on television for a new prescription drug that should help. Yep, there are now eye-drops for those ‘suffering’ with dry eyes and it comes with a whole host of interesting and life threatening side effects…or maybe the guys could just blink.

  7. LOL twine around each other in the shape of a heart – Eternally at that!

    I really needed this laugh today Chris!

    And May, yes, you can stare better then ANY of those naughty boys!!

    Hey – what color are your eyes today? – Tori wants to know..

  8. Those boys are going to need some “natural tears” eye drops.

    That’s quite a death ray stare, May! I’m sure when you are surveilling the neighborhood that not even a gnat gets by your notice. I’ve heard the squirrels live in fear that you will get outside.
    A recent post from Brenda..At long last a FO! Corvid Frost DiamondsMy Profile

  9. Am I the only one who saw The Little Mermaid?

    “The Snarfblatt dates back to the olden days, where all people did was sit around and stare at each other. Got very boring.”

    So that’s the problem with our poor guys! Somebody get them a Snarfblatt!

  10. I always associate this cover with the Cat Grant book – it’s the first book I read with that cover….

    I actually liked it when it came out – but so overused now…


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