Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 24th (Shy Guy)

Hello, everyone, and welcome to yet another edition of Misadventures in Stock Photography. Today you’ll be meeting Shy Guy. Awwww.

, and


(“mud” is not a good hair color for you, Shy Guy!), hoping that their plan of

from the

and his

weren’t just

. (Shy Guy, where did those bright yellow butterfly wings come from?!)

“Too late!” crowed the Prince of Servitude. “You’ll not take my freshly undead Trevor away from me now. Together,

will be



!” (Why would anyone airbrush out Shy Guy’s lovely abs?)


, so Shy Guy gave up his quest, accepted that the

he carried were permanent, and commenced

as he enjoyed his lovely new invisible wings.

The end.


“Oh, that poor shy boy, Mom! What a terrible ordeal!!” -Mayhem

38 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 24th (Shy Guy)”

  1. Maybe it’s just that I’m reading the post on my phone and the screen is tiny,, but did they photoshop chest hair on Shy Guy on the Aiden and Ethan cover? ‘Cause he looks distinctly waxed on all the others. And who in their right mind photoshops abs off a guy??

    Oh, and totally have that 80’s song going thru my head now. ‘You’re too shy, shy. Hush, hush…’

  2. All this looking down and to the side, maybe “Not Seeing is Not Having” and that’s why he’s so shy? Anyway, I think I enjoy your Misadverture Novellette-ette-ette-ettes more than som of the books I’ve read leately. WIth the coming of Part 25, I think it’s time to complle them into a bound “Silver Edition” volume.

  3. Gah. I fear the photoshop! I fear it mightily.

    And have these people never heard of layers? There are ways to do the wings that wouldn’t have been quite so painful.
    .-= Seanna Lea´s last blog ..I’m not dead =-.

  4. Yep, I’d read K.Z.’s take on this one! If he has wings in your story, can he also have the irresistible urge to fly into lightbulbs, flames, and bug zappers. I’ve always wanted somebody to write a PNR with a character who had that obsession.
    .-= Eyre´s last blog ..Only His Heart by Shawn Lane =-.

  5. Of course, and just BTW, these posts of yours have inspired me to look for the guy from my next cover in other places :). And my god, but he gets around! I’m up to 6 so far, but who knows what more’s to come….

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