It came from the pictures folder: Introduction

I have a folder of pictures called “Not Used Yet.” These are pictures that I, at some point, thought might be blogworthy, yet haven’t actually used on the blog. The oldest picture is from August 1, 2006. Yup, you read that right. 🙂 So I thought I’d start a little feature on some of those pictures.

Here it is – the oldest picture from that folder:

No clue, right? Well, that’s the Breast Cancer Beemer, which was apparently going from dealership to dealership and being signed by breast cancer survivors. If you click to enlarge it, you can see the signatures. Although with my memory? I wouldn’t bet my life on that being the reason for the signatures.

Moving on. Here’s a picture of Chaos from August 2, 2006. Hmm. He was still a single kitty then and I notice he looks a little pudgy.

“Being a pudgy singleton kitty rocks!” -Chaos

A picture of Chaos’ brother Diablo, taken October 28, 2006:

Pretty vacant, that one.

Heh, look at this poor purple passion plant. I think Mayhem had been visiting it. Do you see her tail in the lower right corner? I took the picture on November 1, 2006, so May was about five months old and had been living with us for six weeks.

“Yum yum yum! Plants are tasty, plants are fun!” -Mayhem

27 thoughts on “It came from the pictures folder: Introduction”

  1. For a dork, Diablo sure is a handsome lad.

    Yes Chaos, Malcolm is running Gandalf ragged, so he’s loosing the chub he was putting on too. Atticus? Not so much. Mae? Oh, he’d better NOT try and chase her. 😀

  2. Flash into the past. Diablo’s eyes are so green but I’d call them pensive not vacant. Of course no one is pretty than Chaos, er Mayhem, er Chaos, er Mayhem…jezzz you just can’t win around here.

  3. Chaos does look pudgy in that picture! He kind of looks like MJ – she’s got such a paunch.

    That picture of Diablo is stunning. I love the look on his face, even if it is vacant. 😉

  4. Very thoughtful Diablo picture!

    Blog fodder a little thin on the ground this morning? ;o) Don’t feel badly about it: it’s very thin here, too. :o)

  5. Hey Chris… Wow.. Chaos’ brother is gorgeous. Love all the other ones. That is so funny that Chaos thought he loved being the only one, lol!
    Hope you are having an awesome day hon!

  6. There’s nothing like getting a young Panther Princess to get the old, grouchy kitty into shape! So, Mayhem, leave the poor plants alone, and keep Chaos on the go! I bet Chaos doesn’t like this comment. 😉

  7. I have a folder of pictures like that, but they aren’t nearly so organized. It’s just a place where I put the ones I haven’t used without any way to easily figure out what they were about later.

  8. I know you’ve shown us a picture of Chaos’ brother before, but I still can’t get over that one is all white and the other (nearly) all black!

  9. Diablo, looks a tad scary, reminds me a the look my cat Captain Hook gave me when I was 3 years old right before he shredded my leg. Maybe its the eyes.

  10. LOL! If the planter is big enough, my cats do this “Hey, look! A new potty!” Get the picture? So we don’t have big planters anymore. 🙂

    Mayhem must be good for Chaos, keeping him in shape and all.

  11. Do you suppose the personality traits go along with the color? My Vet always told me that Torti’s are particularly vocal and sassy, and I had two that definitely fit the bill.

  12. At least you keep track of pictures you haven’t blogged yet. There are times when I’m not sure if I’ve used one, so I just hope no one notices. 🙂

    I like that picture of Diablo.

  13. love the idea of having an unused photo file. mine are scattered all over creation – and, I too, have no idea what some of them are any more.
    poor poor purple passion plant.

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