
I’ve definitely been feeling down for the past several days. The grey, dreary weather? The grey, dreary landscape? Low iron? Hormones? The stress of work? The cumulative effects of the DST change? Lack of exercise? Dreary knitting projects? Time for a medication change? I don’t know exactly what brought it on, but there it is. I actually have things to post about, but I just feel too blah.

The forecast is for a bit more sun and some warmer weather over the next few days – hopefully that helps cheer me up. I hope everyone is feeling livelier than I am!

“Oh no!! I thought I would be safe under here!” -M
“Bwah-ha-ha!” -C

65 thoughts on “Melancholy”

  1. Sounds like you need to go for a long springtime bike ride (weather and roads permitting). What do you ride?

    Riding my scooter to work has helped my attitude and even my knitting mojo. So much that I have been on a yarn stash frenzy. For me at least. Bought a skein of Fiesta Yarns Boomerang today. YUM.

    Hi C&M. No eatting those Keen shoe boxes like at my house, you hear???


  2. I bet more sun would help. Maybe a nice walk…look for beautiful stuff along the way.

    I’m feeling pretty bummed right now too. Maybe it’s like a virus or something.

  3. I really hope that you feel better really soon! I agree about the lack of sun, it kills to walk around when it’s all grey and rainy…*blech* Anyhow, take care!

  4. Geez, I’m sorry to hear it… Here’s hoping an upcoming weekend and some black fuzzy lovin’ will lift your spirits. (You lift mine every day!)

  5. You obviously have the pre-spring weather blues. My prescription – find a book of lovely flowers, sit in a comfy chair, and remember what it’s going to look like in just a few short weeks. Hope you feel cheery again soon!

  6. Poor Chris. I hate when that happens. I like to blame it on Daylight Savings Time. Maybe the sun will come out enough this weekend so you can get some sunshine and fresh air therapy. Hope you’re feeling livelier soon!

  7. I’ve been having the same issues. And I can’t pin point what it is, exactly. Just wanting to burst into tears for no particular reason, too, is unsettling. (I’m not really a crying kind of guy.) Maybe the equinox??

  8. I have been feeling that way as well. That time of the year, the streets are dirty from winer, the trees haven’t started budding, etc… I think this sunny weekend will help.

  9. I hope the unseasonably warm weather did some good in knocking out those cobwebs. There’s nothing like a few sunny warm days to get you feeling better.

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