No posts today (Thursday, November 22) or tomorrow (Friday, November 23) because I have both days off for the Thanksgiving holiday. I hope everyone who’s celebrating has a very good holiday and that everyone else has a very good rest of the week. 🙂
Congrats to Yvette, who won Journal of Sanctuary One (Sanctuary #6) by RJ Scott! Journal of Sanctuary One will be released by Silver Publishing on November 24.
Congrats to choccygrl, who won Men of Smithfield: Adam & Holden by LB Gregg! Men of Smithfield: Adam & Holden will be released by Carina Press on November 26.
I shall miss linkity, but enjoy your days off 🙂
Chris- Happy Gluten Free Thanksgiving.
A recent post from Lorraine..A Gratitude Party
Thanks, Majken and Lorraine! 🙂
Happy days off, and Happy Thanksgiving!
A recent post from Cheryl S…FO: Phyllo Yoked Pullover
Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving too!!!
A recent post from Joder..Book Tour for All I Want for Christmas Is You by Lisa Mondello (Guest Post)
Eat as much turkey and cranberries, etc., as you can safely handle and have a great holiday! (I still haven’t read last week’s linkety, so I shall use it to cover this Friday 🙂
A recent post from kmkat..A little holiday cooking help: how to roast your turkey (NSFW).
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and rest of the week too =)
No linkity :/
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m still catching up with last week, so I am thankful!
A recent post from Mary Lou..Done and Dusted
I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with food, fun and friends. And devoid of kitty drama.
A recent post from Jennifer..Travel knitting
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I like Jennifer’s way of putting it… Here’s hoping for kitty snuggles instead of kitty drama.
A recent post from Nicole..Thankful Ten
When you get back, could you please post an update on the kitties?