Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 131st (In Which There Is A Shocking Revelation)

Congrats to Jonathan, who won His Gift by Clare London!

Congrats to Linda C, who won Indulging Ivan by Kim Dare!

Congrats to Juliana, who won Finding Forever (Sutter’s Bay #4) by Shawn Lane! Finding Forever was released by Amber Allure on August 5.

Congrats to Lasha and Teena, who won copies of Unconventional At Best! Unconventional At Best is being released today by Total-E-Bound.

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Brace yourselves – it turns out that Shy Guy and Emo Blond Guy are the same model, so henceforth he shall be known as Shy Emo Blond Guy. Please, take a moment to recover your composure before continuing with the Misadventure.

decided that living in

was too much like living

, no matter how cheap the

might be. Especially when one his old

showed up at his door on a particularly


had him worrying about

‘s existence like some uncouth

instead of

within, but he really just needed a

with and


just was

to comfort him.

“I’ve given you enough warnings about the naughty boys, Mom. Now I’m forced to take action!” -Mayhem

29 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 131st (In Which There Is A Shocking Revelation)”

  1. I have to admit that the combination of the book covers, the story and advertising FOR each book makes for a fascinating misadventure! Mayhem and Chaos also add that little twist at the end! ;D

  2. OMG, I can’t believe there is actually a book called “College Circlejerk Buddies” That is FABULOUS! You know it must be amazingly awful!

  3. The Adventures in Stock Photography always make my day, but I’m curious as to how this amazing revelation was revealed? How *do* you get your insider information? Threaten them with Mayhem?

  4. Wow, this was an especially inspired one! I don’t know if I CAN regain my composure. 😀 Especially after Someone to Cuttle. I mean, just when I thought I’d seen it all. And May! Whoa!
    A recent post from Val Kovalin..The Wild OneMy Profile

  5. OMG, alien cat!!!!

    I think because blond emo guy usually had kind of bangs whereas shy guy’s hair was usually pushed back.

    Jason wins for best cuttle fish reference. LOL

  6. I’m still getting over the ‘Someone to Cuttle’ title. Really who thinks these up? I really hope it isn’t some dodgy cuttle shifter book!

  7. Lol I just checked goodreads and lo and behold it is a cuttle shifter book! I was only kidding when I mentioned it above! What next a housefly shifter? A maggot shifter or perhaps a snail shifter?

  8. After reading the blurb on “Someone to Cuttle” I know exactly where to find my next dose of tentacle pr0ns.

    Wusswoo, JL Merrow did a m/m tortoise shifter story that’s really cute, and I have insider information on some possum shifters.
    A recent post from PD Singer..Saturday Snark!My Profile

  9. I live in constant fear that one day one of my covers might end up here. I wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. 😛

    Some of these covers are truly scary. How on earth do you find them?
    A recent post from louH..Wednesday WordMy Profile

  10. Some of these titles/covers are so bad. I mean, I nearly lost it when I saw a cuttlefish on the cover. And who thought the title College Circlejerk Buddies was a great idea?
    A recent post from Seanna Lea..SwimmingMy Profile

  11. Directed here after a little discussion on Facebook where I commented that I hadn’t seen any of the models on the covers of any of my books on other books as yet. Apparently this is because I am:-

    (a) Not looking hard enough.
    (b) Very unobservant.
    (c) Rather lacking in my cuttlefish shifter stories.
    (d) All of the above

    Very amusing post.

    Though I have to say I don’t care how many covers he has been on, I still love my Between Heaven & Hell cover. It is my first cover that is all mine (as opposed to an anthology/shared cover) and will always be one of my favourites.

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