Roadside “sculpture”

Did you know I have a weakness for roadside “sculpture”? It isn’t a new thing, either – the picture of me below is from 1999.

And this is from 1998:

I think spotting these myself is the most fun, but if you like to be less serendipitous, Roadside America (“Your Online Guide to Offbeat Tourist Attractions”) is a great place to start.

“You are all under my kitty stare power, so I send you forth to find a giant black kitty roadside attraction!” -Mayhem

39 thoughts on “Roadside “sculpture””

  1. Chris- Only in America….except we have a giant nickle in Sudbury and you guys have the Brainerd Paul Bunyan.

    I personally wouldn’t stand between the Jolly Green Giants legs- just sayin’.
    Get a pic of yourself with the MTM statue.

  2. Oh, and I just checked the link kitkatknit sent. It’s nice to see that the “Miraculous Virgin Mary in a Stump” at the end of my street is listed.

  3. I love Roadside America. I’ve got quite a few of those pictures. One trip, though, i couldn’t convince my driving partner to make a detour to Carhenge, can you believe it?

  4. That pink elephant is awesome! We don’t have much statuary like that around here. I do remember some in Northern Wisconsin. They must be more common where there are long, dark winters.

  5. My favorite:

    The new website doesn’t do him justice. I always know when we are coming into Providence, RI when we round the corner of i-95 and spot the giant cuddly cockroach on the top of the building. Check out the photo gallery…

  6. I assume you’ve encountered the orange moose down in Black River Falls WI?

    oh, and did you know that they named the road to that gas station Pink Elephant Drive? that was the exit we took when visiting my aunt – we stopped there for gas quite often. (I’m sure the fact that my sister loved elephants growing up added to the reason we stopped at that particular station)

    btw, my sister still needs a home for her black kitty. I know you’re at capacity, but if anyone is interetested… she’s not far from WI Sheep & Wool

  7. I love that stuff too. I really want to make a pilgrimmage to the the dinasaurs in the original Pee Wee Herman movie. I even have a special fondness for those awesome mini-golf courses with dinosaurs and windmills.

  8. The first time I saw a roadside pink elephant was in the very wee hours of dawn when my folks were picking me up from the local constabulary… Hard to keep from giggling given I was still under some influences. ’nuff said there… Now I’m all mature and stuff! (ha!)

  9. I want that elephant.

    While driving through groom, Texas I saw the largest cross in the US. I don’t recommend it, btw. Groom is a very creepy depressing place.

    Think Children of the Corn.

  10. Next time you fly into Denver, check out the bizarro rearing blue horse with glowing red eyes. It was commissioned in 1992 and delivered over a decade late… after part of it fell on the sculptor and killed him.

  11. Wow – the elephant statue is very very strange. I would definitely have stopped and got a picture in front of it too just to make sure I wasn’t seeing ‘pink elephants.’ Amazon shipping thing is weird too!

  12. Oh good old road art, I have a particular fondness for pink elephants. I know of at least 3 in the ILlinois/Iowa area.

    And my favorite blanket when I was little was my Jolly Green Giant, and his little sidekick, Sprout(?). Aww the loveliness of growing up in the Midwest.

    ABner and Django say I have been remiss at visiting your site, and say I should feel horrible. They are right, time has just completely gotten away from me. I’m stealing a few minutes from visiting with th ein-laws to use their laptop 🙂

    Nice to see the kitties are doing well! Have a great weekend.

  13. All I can think of is the jolly green giant for sweetcorn now… “ho ho ho- green giant”. Did you also get that or was it a special British thing…?

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